What to expect: Botox 101

What is Botox?

Botulinum toxin is a neurotoxic protein, produced by a bacteria which binds to neuromuscular receptors to stop the release of acetylcholine, thus causing muscle relaxation.  Botox, specifically is a brand commonly used, however there are many brands of toxin used these days! 

Will my muscles be paralyzed?

No, well not technically.  The muscles are put into a relaxed state and therefore cannot contract and create more wrinkles.  This is only a temporary effect which begins around 3-4  days after treatment, fully kicks in at day 14, and muscle function fully returns about 3-4 months after your injections.

How is Botox administered and does it hurt?

We inject Botox into different muscles of the face using a very small needle.  There is no need for numbing during this procedure as it is only a series of small pokes.  

Why do I need more or less units than my previous treatments?

I always tell patients that dosing Botox is like getting a prescription.  We have dosing ranges that are recommended for certain areas of the face, however it is up to the prescriber to choose the appropriate dose based on your anatomy, technique, and product being used on that day.  Also, if you are a “regular”, overtime there is the possibility you will not require as many units for the same results. 

What does Botox feel like?

For the first few days after treatment you may not feel much of a difference, however over a 14 day period you may feel heaviness or even asymmetrical until the toxin has fully kicked in.  This is why we do follow up phone calls or appointments no earlier than 2 weeks out from your treatment date.  

What if I don’t like my Botox?

This is always a real possibility, however depending on what the issue is, we may be able to refine some areas after the initial 2 weeks if need be.  Otherwise, as the botox wears off, you may find that the results are to your liking.  Or worse case scenario, in 3 months the effects will wear off completely and your muscle action will return to normal. 

Can’t wait to meet you in consult and answer any other questions you may have!!


Danielle Amato, Physician Assistant


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